I am not a healer!

by Sandra Solano
I am not a healer!
While at first this may seem like a contradiction, please allow me to explain. To me, the word “heal” means to return a broken something to the way it was before it was broken. This implies that we are going backward in a process, rather then forward. That something damaged is being repaired.
For instance, when you break a bone and you want it to heal, you want it to go back the way it was before it was impacted by trauma. To fix it.
In contrast, I look at what I do as facilitating forward movement and expansion, helping clients to remember their wholeness and restore perfection. In this process, we are not going back to the way it was ‘before everything got messed up’, or to the familiar comfort of yesterday and what we have always known.
I see all people as inherently perfect beings moving forward in the growing process of being human. And so, I am not a healer, and I do not advocate going backwards.
I am a facilitator of a process, your process.  A process of remembering a natural state that, when reached and sustained, allows a person to live from a place of inner balance; and to integrate all that they have experienced as part of their own magnificence.
And so, when I play the Shuniya Tibetan bowls over and around a client’s body, it is not to fix them, but to remind their system of its native tuning, which is perfect.
When I facilitate Holographic Memory Resolution, it is not to rewind the tape and take the client back to how they were before the trauma, but rather to help their system remember how to process emotions and release memories from storage in the body, thus restoring the perfect order that is natural to the system.
We live in this resilient yet fragile human vessel, and like an egg, it can crack. But, we are not supposed to ‘heal’ the egg; it has cracked so that the hatchling may be released and expand into a new way of being. Are you ready to break free?